A Blogger's Birthday
A day before this blogger's birthday:
June 26: I had a late dinner, as in almost 11PM when the food was served, with my utols and DM of course at Dampa, Sucat -- seafoods galore! Too bad, my parents can't make it, busy for some church activities.. It's a noble deed anyway.. so.. no room for tampo, sHenGGie...
June 27: Kilig moment -- when 12 midnight striked, I was beside DM, he's driving, we're mobile and that time at The Fort.. He just gave me a daddy-hug and greeted me. :) Good thing, he can still drive safely while waiting for the clock to strike 12:00. :)
After our so-called mega-burpy-dinner, we just hang out for less than an hour at Padi's Point.. Just a few drinks -- salubong to my birthday -- and for a birthday cheers!

Happy weng-weng birthday to moi! :)
Thanks to my utols -- Dheng and Harree, and to DM.. You guys really started my birthday with a blow. :) I love you guys!
I know other 5 friends who are also celebrating their beerdays today -- beat that! :) I wanna greet them a very happy beerday!!!
1. Jed my friend, happy birthday to you, dudette!
2. Where's the party, Chris Samiano? -- my singaporean friend ;)
3. Edward -- officemate, any treat for the guys and gals here? :P
4. Welcome back from the US of A, Nesz! I hope there are still choc'lates left for me... Even chocnuts will do! ;)
5. Happy birthday, young mom Leah! How's Aussie?
Thanks to the early well-wishers, they greeted me before I started this post, sweeeeet! -- DM of course, utols, Gnet, Joy, Rizza, Che, Irene Vidal and my fellow birthday girl, Jed :)
June 26: I had a late dinner, as in almost 11PM when the food was served, with my utols and DM of course at Dampa, Sucat -- seafoods galore! Too bad, my parents can't make it, busy for some church activities.. It's a noble deed anyway.. so.. no room for tampo, sHenGGie...
June 27: Kilig moment -- when 12 midnight striked, I was beside DM, he's driving, we're mobile and that time at The Fort.. He just gave me a daddy-hug and greeted me. :) Good thing, he can still drive safely while waiting for the clock to strike 12:00. :)
After our so-called mega-burpy-dinner, we just hang out for less than an hour at Padi's Point.. Just a few drinks -- salubong to my birthday -- and for a birthday cheers!

Thanks to my utols -- Dheng and Harree, and to DM.. You guys really started my birthday with a blow. :) I love you guys!
I know other 5 friends who are also celebrating their beerdays today -- beat that! :) I wanna greet them a very happy beerday!!!
1. Jed my friend, happy birthday to you, dudette!
2. Where's the party, Chris Samiano? -- my singaporean friend ;)
3. Edward -- officemate, any treat for the guys and gals here? :P
4. Welcome back from the US of A, Nesz! I hope there are still choc'lates left for me... Even chocnuts will do! ;)
5. Happy birthday, young mom Leah! How's Aussie?
Thanks to the early well-wishers, they greeted me before I started this post, sweeeeet! -- DM of course, utols, Gnet, Joy, Rizza, Che, Irene Vidal and my fellow birthday girl, Jed :)
thought #1: Happiness is spending time with ur luv ones
thought #2: Happiness comes from simple thoughts, simple gestures...simple things...
what more can u ask for?...
Blessed bday to you my dear fren! Mmuahh!!!
thanks girl :)
hope to see you all guys this saturday! and that would make me happier ;)
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