Thursday, June 23, 2005

On Friends

Friends -- pal : chum : sis / bro : 'tol : pare o mare ; etc.

We call our friends in different names, depending on the way we treat them.. also depends on our moods.. sometimes, depends on how they look when we see them. Different terms of endearment, pet names, usually when we want to annoy them (bad! tsk tsk tsk) and sometimes, to make lambing to them.. :)

But whatever name we call them, they're still our friends.. The one we call in times of troubles, when we want to spread the good news and even the bad news, if we feel like laughing, crying and even if we feel like talking nonsense..

So.. What about "friends"? Ok, lemme share this to you.. I'm in a state of confusion right now. Why? I'll just spare the details when this "confusion bug" pushes through. I dunno if I hope it pushes through or I hope it won't.. See? That's how confused I am right now! Dang!

Good thing, I have my friends with me. :) We exchanged a number of emails a few hours ago, just to think it's still office hours :), but they really made my day.. It's a great feeling to know that eventhough we don't see each other for quite sometime now, they're still there.. Just a call or an email away!

So this post is for them.. Thanks to Jeni for the wonderful advices, Lai for the so-Lai comments and advices too.. to Gnet who never fails to make me smile -- naks! To Dheng who's always silent about things.. duh? :) And to Joy, who's always on stand-by mode (for a couple of years now -- would u guys believe? :D) should I be needing her.. Luvyah guys! And I miss hanging out with you! I just hope our "subic plan" will be for real.. soon! :)

By the way, who has DVD's of "Friends" Season 2? Lotsa backlogs! Borrow puhleeease.. :)



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