My brother Deng was confined at Medical City for 2 1/2 days due to gastritis. At least he enjoyed his stay at the hospital because Ruffa Mae Quinto is just a room away from his room. :) This brother of mine really looks well before that Monday morning when my Dad saw him throwing up in his room -- yes, in his room! He wasn't even able to go to the rest room. :-/ We were all wondering and made a lot of guesses already on what's gotten into him because he was in his usual self the night before he was brought to the hospital. Anyway what's important is he's ok now and he's back! Welcome home, Deng! :)

Talking about brothers -- A few hours ago, I watched my 'MDi big brothers' including DM, play basketball. It was a practice game for their forthcoming sportsfest. Care for a comment, boys? You guys have a lot of catching up to do,
hehehe, kiddin'! That's why there are practice games -- ei, we do practice not because we're not good but because we can still do better. ;) Well I would say MDi boys, not to focus on age brackets, are still fit enough to compete with 20+ year-old boys when it comes to basketball. :D
Way to go, guys! I'll bring my magic pompoms next time! ;)
Yup, nice to see Dheng back on his feet again... Well was quite worried about what happened to him. Anyways, I'm looking forward to go out with your brothers again. It has been a long time since we catch a dvd at home.
Hmmm... My MDi brothers we really have to work on our stamina... The skills are there but fatigue will always be a factor... My suggestion, jog as frequent as we can prior to our sportfest...This will definitely condition our legs and improve our breathing... you'll see the difference come game time:) keep it up MDi brothers.... have a great feeling that we will win the title:)
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