Monday, May 29, 2006


It's beeen a while since my last blog. I was so busy these past few weeks -- work, about the new house, the big day, etc. Anyway, I'm back. :)

Since my family is starting to build a new house (actually, I'm on the process of acquiring a lot pa lang), I'm now occupied with home magazines -- all about houses, exterior and interior, room make-overs and the likes. And this pic will be an inspiration. ;) I hope the writers / publishers of the magazines where I got these pix wouldn't notice. :)

And since I'm also in a countdown for the big day, sheesh (panic mode), I also love browsing wedding mags and is fond of taking anything-and-everything-about-the-big-day-stuff pix from magazines.

And this pic of bouquet is exactly what I want for my wedding bouquet. Motif is pink but I just realized, thanks to this pic, pink looks better with violet. I just hope I'm right. :)

Anyway, I know I'll still change my mind one of these days. I've been changing color motifs for the last few months -- from citrus /summer theme to JS Prom theme. ;)


Saturday, May 20, 2006


Since it's our special day, I prepared something for DM. And for everyone to see.

Please click here --> sulplise!!!
